Broadcast Square audio archives July 6 to 9, 2021

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of July 6 to 9, 2021.

Monday, July 5: No program today; we hope you had a good Independence Day.

Tuesday, July 6: Sarah Cooley of Liberal Police Department, on its class with SCCC Kids’ College July 19 to 22.

Wednesday, July 7: Presephoni Fuller and Clarissa Carrillo of Seward County United Way, on its Power of the Purse event July 14.

Thursday, July 8: Shandon Classen and Phil Lee of SCCC, on the coming fall semester and student services.

Friday, July 9: Rozelle Webb of Liberal Chamber of Commerce, on ribbon cuttings and upcoming events, including Bazaar Days July 23 and 24.