Broadcast Square audio archives July 29 to August 2, 2019

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of July 29 to August 2, 2019.

Monday, July 29: James Williams of Black Hills Energy, on pipelines and other local issues at the utility.

Tuesday, July 30: Nationally syndicated talk show host Ken Coleman, on his book The Proximity Principle and his career advice.

Wednesday, July 31: Holly Martin of Cattle U trade show in Dodge City, on information of interest to cattle producers.

Thursday, August 1: Two part program. Part one: Maria Fe Laguitan and Ilse Cambron of SCCC Colvin Adult Learning Center, on its programs.
Part two: Rozelle Webb of Lib. Chamber of Commerce, on Bazaar Days.

Friday, August 2: Carson Kane of Guymon Fire Dept., on this weekend’s Kenny Huckins golf fundraiser for the fire department.