You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of July 15 to 19, 2019.
Monday, July 15: Lane Konkel of Beaver County Stockyard, on the state of the cattle industry and future outlook.
Tuesday, July 16: Chris Purdy of TCEC, on district elections, Co-op Connections, and the upcoming August trip to electrify a Guatemalan village.
Wednesday, July 17: Traci Kirk and Peggy McCulley of Mid-America Air Museum, on the free museum day with the 50th anniversary of the Apollo lunar landing this Saturday.
Thursday, July 18: Cheryl Valdez of Birthline of Liberal, on its mission to help expecting mothers, and on its upcoming fundraiser July 27 at Adventure Bay waterpark.
Friday, July 19: Jessica Malin of Liberal Memorial Library, on the summer reading programs and children’s activities.