Broadcast Square audio archives January 27 to 31, 2020

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of January 27 to 31, 2020.

Monday, January 27: Darlene Ford of Liberal Senior Center, on upcoming events this winter and spring.

Tuesday, January 28: JoAnn Mansell and Daniel Minde, on the Coronado Museum collaboration with local middle schools on the Kansas Project for Kansas history and heritage.

Wednesday, January 29: Tracy Guiterrez and Ruth McBryde of Southwest Miracles, on its assistive-devices mission and its February 29 Spring Swing Fling fundraiser.

Thursday, January 30: Ronna Stump of Liberal Rec Dept., on Pancake Day February 25.

Friday, January 31: Rachel Coleman and Phil Lee of SCCC, on the recent Kansas Day Taste of Kansas event and the rescheduled ribbon cutting for the Sharp Center in February.