Broadcast Square audio archives January 13 to 17, 2020

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of January 13 to 17, 2020.

Monday, January 13: Rachel Coleman and Phil Lee of SCCC, on the new semester and the successful ribbon cutting for the Colvin Center.

Tuesday, January 14: Ronna Stump of Liberal Rec Dept., on preparations for Pancake Day and on converting the South Middle School site into rec use.

Wednesday, January 15: Local historian Lidia Gray, on Oklahoma Panhandle area history.

Thursday, January 16: Sally Fuller of Convention and Visitor Bureau and Baker Arts Center, on upcoming Kansas Day events in Topeka, and on the new direction of Baker upon the retirement of Toni Smith.

Friday, January 17: Sarah Moyer of Liberal Memorial Library, on seasonal and ongoing activities, and on success of the coffee bar.