Broadcast Square audio archives for July 2018

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of July 2 to 6, 2018.

Monday, July 2: Jeremy Harris of First Southern Baptist of Liberal, on July 4 afternoon activities before ball game and fireworks.

Tuesday, July 3: Alisha Owens of Hugoton Chamber of Commerce, on Hugoton Park Days starting on Independence Day.

Wednesday, July 4: No program today on Independence Day.

Thursday, July 5: Rozelle Webb of Liberal Chamber of Commerce, on ribbon cuttings and looking ahead to Bazaar Days.

Friday, July 6: David Riley and Barb Brond of Southwest Wildcats, on dinner and dance event at El Rancho Exotica Saturday July 14.


You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of July 9 to 13, 2018.

Monday, July 9: Norma Jean Dodge, on SCCC Kids College later this month.

Tuesday, July 10: Ronna Stump of Liberal Parks Dept., on upcoming 35th Infantry Division Band of Kansas Army National Guard concerts.

Wednesday, July 11: Gloria Goodwin and Miriam Climenhaga, on Rainbow Players staging of Mary Poppins this weekend.

Thursday, July 12: Madelyn Sander of SCCC Bookstore, on services available to community at large.

Friday, July 13: Royce Kitts of Memorial Library, on summer reading program and other activities.


You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of July 16 to 20, 2018.

Monday, July 16: Sarah Thompson of Mid-America Air Museum, on reconstruction of entrance wheelchair ramp and other changes.

Tuesday, July 17: Chris Purdy of TCEC, on summer energy demands, district meetings, and upcoming events.

Wednesday, July 18: Tony Martin, on upcoming Stevens County Fair later this July.

Thursday, July 19: Toni Smith of Baker Arts Center, on Quilts of Valor presentation and upcoming events and exhibits.

Friday, July 20: Matt Teel of Memorial Library, on summer activities and schedules.


You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of July 23 to 27, 2018.

Monday, July 23: Heather Powell of Liberal Senior Center, on senior meals, upcoming events, and donations to the center.

Tuesday, July 24: Two part program. Part one: Cindy Adams and Barb Shore of Pizza Hut employees’ group on fundraising for literacy programs.
Part two: Ronna Stump of Liberal Parks Dept., on looming deadlines this Friday for several fall activities.

Wednesday, July 25: Rhonda Maxwell, on upcoming Air Fair 2018 air show in August.

Thursday, July 26: Chandler Kirkhart of SCCC Foundation, on upcoming party auction in September.

Friday, July 27: (prerecorded) Kansas gubernatorial candidate Josh Svaty.