Broadcast Square audio archives February 25 to March 1, 2019

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of February 25 to March 1, 2019.

Monday, February 25: (by phone) Darren DeLong of Friends of NRA in Oklahoma, on FNRA banquet in Guymon Saturday and on the NRA Foundation’s work for shooting sports.

Tuesday, February 26: Ronna Stump of Liberal Recreation Dept., on spring signups and on Pancake Day events.

Wednesday, February 27: Jim Dodge of Band Boosters for “That” Liberal Band, on the upcoming LHS Band fish fry fundraiser and spring semester band events.

Thursday, February 28: Lindsay Tuman of SCCC Library, on upcoming spring semester library events.

Friday, March 1: Greg Bird of the Liberal side of International Pancake Day, on the upcoming events and schedules concerning next Tuesday’s Pancake Day.