You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of February 25 to March 1, 2019.
Monday, February 25: (by phone) Darren DeLong of Friends of NRA in Oklahoma, on FNRA banquet in Guymon Saturday and on the NRA Foundation’s work for shooting sports.
Tuesday, February 26: Ronna Stump of Liberal Recreation Dept., on spring signups and on Pancake Day events.
Wednesday, February 27: Jim Dodge of Band Boosters for “That” Liberal Band, on the upcoming LHS Band fish fry fundraiser and spring semester band events.
Thursday, February 28: Lindsay Tuman of SCCC Library, on upcoming spring semester library events.
Friday, March 1: Greg Bird of the Liberal side of International Pancake Day, on the upcoming events and schedules concerning next Tuesday’s Pancake Day.