You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of February 12 to 16, 2018.
Monday, February 12: Two part program. Part 1: Members of That Liberal Band of LHS on upcoming Fish Fry fundraiser February 16.
Part 2: SCCC programming instructor Ed Hall on STEM curriculum courses.
Tuesday, February 13: Hour-long program featuring International Pancake Day dignitaries, including Kansas Governor Jeff Colyer, State Representative Shannon Francis, and State Senator Bud Estes.
Wednesday, February 14: Cindi Lyddon and Delvin Kinser on proposed Grace Place pregnancy care center.
Thursday, February 15: Toni Smith of Baker Arts Center on recent and forthcoming events, including Stingray Encounter and Butterfly Encounter.
Friday, February 16: Tracy Gutierrez and Dave Harrison of Southwest Miracles on its purpose and its upcoming Spring Swing Fling fundraiser February 24.