You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of August 3 to 7, 2020.
Monday, August 3: Clarissa Carrillo of Seward County United Way and Julie Foster of Genesis Family Health, on their back to school supplies drive.
Tuesday, August 4: No audio reposted; repeat from November 9, 2017. Phone interview with Major League baseball player Steve Garvey, on his life and career with the LA Dodgers and the San Diego Padres.
Wednesday, August 5: Local historian Lidia Gray, on local baseball history, including the Liberal Bee Jays.
Thursday, August 6: Rozelle Webb of Liberal Chamber of Commerce, on the Duck Race with Chili and Taco Cookoff August 15, and on the local business outlook.
Friday, August 7: Darlene Ford of Liberal Senior Center, announcing her retirement at the end of 2020, and inviting applications for the director position and for other helpers at the center.