You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of August 1 to 5, 2022.
Monday, August 1: Liberal Police Chief William Cutshall and Delanie Underwood, on community policing, Cadet Academy, and the Shop with a Cop golf tournament this weekend.
Tuesday, August 2: Bambi Fulton of Stepping Stone homeless shelter, on renovation progress at its new Lincoln Street downtown location to be completed later this year.
Wednesday, August 3: Candy and Claudia Garcia of Liberal Rec Dept., on Arkalon Assault, Splash and Dash, and other activities.
Thursday, August 4: Rozelle Webb of Liberal Chamber of Commerce, announcing winners from the Bazaar Days receipt drawing, ribbon cuttings, and the New Educators Breakfast.
Friday, August 5: Charlie Delay and Renee Haralson, on the PRCA Rodeo coming to Liberal.