Broadcast Square audio archives April 22 to 26, 2019

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of April 22 to 26, 2019.

Monday, April 22: Darlene Ford of Liberal Senior Center, on available senior bus services and upcoming events including Senior Expo on Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 23: Ronna Stump of Liberal Rec Dept., on new playground equipment at Arkalon Park and upcoming schedules and signups.

Wednesday, April 24: John T. Smith and Trent Kitch of Yucca Ridge golf course and housing development.

Thursday, April 25: Dr. Suzanne Campbell, Luke Dowell, Tanya Dowell, and Annette Hackbarth-Onson of SCCC, on today’s groundbreaking for the Sharp Center.

Friday, April 26: Janeth Vasquez and Clarissa Carrillo, on upcoming Cinco de Mayo pageant and queen contest.