You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of April 2 to 6, 2018.
Monday, April 2: Prerecorded show with Kansas gubernatorial candidate Ken Selzer.
Tuesday, April 3: Prerecorded show with Kansas gubernatorial candidate Greg Orman and John Doll.
Wednesday, April 4: 480 Focus with John Schneider and Tracy Metlin, on school attendance boundaries and events leading to the end of the school year.
Thursday, April 5: Rozelle Webb of Liberal Chamber of Commerce, looking back at the Bash and forward to legislative luncheon and Cinco de Mayo community celebration.
Friday, April 6: Bill Hill, on upcoming Yellow Brick Road car show in May.
You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of April 9 to 13, 2018.
Monday, April 9: Michelle Van Hessen of SCCC Drama on upcoming staging of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.”
Tuesday, April 10: Shane Chalapeck of Beaver, on upcoming Cimarron Territory celebration starting this weekend.
Wednesday, April 11: Mike Blackard with Wizards of Harmony, on upcoming performance and Afterglow this Saturday.
Thursday, April 12: Lindsay Tuman and Janice Northerns of SCCC, on the upcoming poet laureate events and other spring semester events.
Friday, April 13: Two part program. Part one: Jack Cooley of First Christian Church, on Drop and Dine event next Thursday.
Part two: Ronna Stump of Liberal Parks Dept. on Arkalon Assault registration and other activities.
You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of April 16 to 20, 2018.
Monday, April 16: Scott Metelko of Mid-America Air Museum, on Food Festival May 12, upcoming events, and Discovery Point proposal.
Tuesday, April 17: Chrus Purdy of TCEC, on membership survey and helping other electric coops in the Woodward area suffering fires.
Wednesday, April 18: 480 Focus with Jennifer Workman and Kathy Fitzgerald, on year-end events including student field trips.
Thursday, April 19: Toni Smith of Baker Arts Center, on upcoming events including From the Sky to the Ocean Floor traveling exhibitions.
Friday, April 20: Royce Kitts of Liberal Memorial Library, on upcoming events and reviewing Friends of Library book sale.
You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of April 23 to 27, 2018.
Monday, April 23: Jeff Louderback and Renee Harralson, on upcoming PRCA Rodeo activities in August.
Tuesday, April 24: Two part program. Part one: Jack Cooley of Liberal First Christian Church, on upcoming Chairish the Children decorated chair auction May 5 to benefit Kansas Children’s Service League.
Part two: Mirna Bonilla of Seward County Extension office, on Walk Kansas program through May 12.
Wednesday, April 25: Prerecorded show with Kansas gubernatorial candidate Jim Barnett.
Thursday, April 26: Phil Lee and Rachel Coleman of SCCC, on end of semester events and deadlines.
Friday, April 27: Janeth Vasquez, chair of Cinco de Mayo celebration and pageant.