You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of April 11 to 15, 2022.
Monday, April 11: Liberal Mayor Jeff Parsons, with an update from City Hall.
Tuesday, April 12: LHS students Fabian Camacho and Bret Lyon, with LHS speech instructor Micah Howery, on the upcoming LHS Drama staging of Twelve Angry Jurors, and on upcoming state and national speech tournaments.
Wednesday, April 13: Aneth Morales of KSU, on her work as advisor for high school and juco students considering college enrollment or transfers.
Thursday, April 14: SCCC President Brad Bennett, with Phil Lee, on the second Town Hall next week and on the concluding spring semester 2022.
Friday, April 15: Jessica Malin of Liberal Memorial Library, on the upcoming summer reading program, and other children and youth services available.