Broadcast Square archives week of January 14 to 18, 2019

You can listen to archived Broadcast Square audio from the week of January 14 to 18, 2019.

Monday, January 14: Sarah Thompson of SCCC Business and Industry, on upcoming B and I spring semester offerings.

Tuesday, January 15: Chris Purdy of TCEC, on wintertime electrical safety, sponsorships of youth events, and the upcoming District 4 trustee special meeting Thursday evening.

Wednesday, January 16: Bambi Fulton and Janie Pierce, on the Stepping Stone Shelter’s upcoming dinner theater fundraiser, with auditions this weekend.

Thursday, January 17: Toni Smith of Baker Arts Center, on wintertime and upcoming exhibits and classes.

Friday, January 18: Royce Kitts of Liberal Memorial Library, on the new coffee bar sponsored by Space Station Storage and on upcoming children’s book and movie events.