Board of Education Passes Capital Outlay Resolution

The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday night at the Education Service Center for a regularly scheduled meeting.

The board had quite a few action items to vote on. The board voted to approve the Capital Outlay Resolution which states that over the next five years the mill levy can’t exceed 4 mills.

Other items the board approved was an audit done by Byron Bird & Associates for the 2008-2009 school year; the renewal of property and liability insurance from Al Shank Insurance; republishing of the budget due to some extra funds coming in; the purchase of CPS units; the renewal of KASB membership dues; to accept a school improvement grant for South Middle School and Cottonwood Intermediate School; to accept a 1003a School improvement grant; to extend the program AVID; and to accept certified resignations.

All votes were 6-0 with Dan Diepenbrock absent, except for the renewal of KASB membership in which Stacy Johnson opposed.