Liberal and Stanton County split a softball double header Friday in Johnson. The class 2A Trojans won the first game over the 5A Redskins 16-9 before LHS won 4-0 in game two.

In a topsy turvy game one, Stanton County scored six first inning runs thanks to four LHS errors. Liberal would rally and take a 9-7 lead buoyed by a Kaitlyn Ralston two run homer in the fifth. But the Trojans scored nine in the sixth. Riley Hay was 4-4 with three runs while Jaycee Darroch and Stephanie Sanchez had two hits a piece.

In game two, Darroch pitched the shutout and was 2-4 at the plate. Amanda Love added two hits.

Liberal is 7-9 and plays at Dodge City Tuesday.