Attention Fans – OKC Indians Forfeit Games
The Bee Jays received confirmation today from the Jayhawk League that the Oklahoma City Indians are unable to complete the season and will have to forfeit the series against Liberal. All 3 of those games will be recorded as wins for Liberal and will factor into the League standings. This means that the series against Hays Saturday and Sunday will be our last League games of 2017. Sunday will be our final League game, and will feature host family recognition at 6:30, followed by the presentation of the Carlile Fan Appreciation Award and MVP award. We are working to schedule additional games with other teams leading up to the start of our NBC play. More information about that will be announced as arrangements are finalized. You have been wonderful fans, and the players appreciate all of the support, so let’s show the Larks what a great crowd at Brent Gould Field looks like! Come out to the ball park for one last summer series and cheer on the Bee Jays as they play for the title!
Bee Jay President Nathan McCaffrey