Bee Jay Board Gives Green Light to 2020 Season

The Liberal Bee Jays continue to move forward with their 66th summer of baseball.  The Bee Jays board gave the team the green light to continue plans to play Wednesday night.  The season begins June 12 at Great Bend.  Bee Jay officials continue to work on a schedule but already have secured enough games for a season.  The BJ’s hit a bump in the road earlier this month when their league, the Kansas Collegiate, shut down the league for the summer.  The Bee Jays have assembled a schedule of teams from the Sunflower League, Colorado, and Oklahoma.  Here is a release from the Bee Jays.

The board met tonight and a decision has been made – it’s a ?green light? & the Bee Jays are moving forward with their 2020 season plans. There are still a lot of moving pieces, and some uncertainty, but we feel we are solid enough in key areas to put on the Big Show for you this summer! For now, we can share that our season will kick off with games at Great Bend on June 12 & 13, and the first home games will be on June 16 & 17 against the Oklahoma Mudcats. We also have an opponent lined up for the 4th of July. The rest of the schedule is being finalized and will be released in early June.
To our sponsors, board members will now begin reaching out to you all. We realize that the financial challenges may not allow you to keep your regular sponsorship level. We understand that and appreciate anything you can contribute.
To our fans, thank you for your patience as we have navigated challenges never imagined to pull this off. We will have certain COVID19 protective measures in place at the field for both fans and players. That information will also be released later.
And a very big thank you to Coach Eric Olmstead, who stepped up to the plate and has crushed it by managing to assemble a schedule of games (still a work in progress). Without his time and effort, there would definitely not have been a 2020 season!
Show him some love!

Take care,
Nathan McCaffrey, GM
Todd King, President