Art For The Ears At Baker Arts Center

Art for your Ears
Come join the fun at the Baker Backyard Blast ??? ???Art for your Ears??� on Friday June 14th at 5:30 pm at the Baker Arts Center. The BBQ meal includes hamburgers, hotdogs, beans , potato salad, dessert, and drink which is provided free to new & renewing members and is $7.00 to the public.
Entertainment features Comedian Sam Adams- from Parker, CO. and local entertainers:
Spanish Dancers, Jerod Ratsliff, CJ Wettstein, Yahaida Zubia, Alisa Henderson & Lydia Augustine, Tabitha Barnett, and Obadiah Barnett.
Kids activities include face painting, balloon animals, jump for fun, ice sculptures, bubbles, ring toss, and the oz train. The Police Dept., Fire Dept., Sheriff Dept., and Girl Scouts will be participating.
There will be a Donation Drawing of $20.00 per ticket to the Great Wolf Lodge for two nights stay. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets for fun and entertainment in the backyard of Baker Arts Center at 624 N. Pershing Ave. Liberal, KS.