American Legion 2019 Golf Classic Right Around the Corner

American Legion

2019 Golf Classic

The American Legion has been the “go to” veterans’ service organization for 100 years. The Legion supports veterans, active duty military personnel, and veteran’s families.

The American Legion Department of Kanas is sponsoring a four-person scramble (flighted). The 2019 Golf Classic will be held at the Shawnee Country Club, 913 S.E. 29th Street, Topeka, Kansas on September 28, 2019. Double shotgun start at 8:00 am and 1:00 pm. The cost of $320.00 per team includes green fees, carts, range balls, luncheon, gift certificate and a hole-in-one prize.

Proceeds from the tournament will go to support the programs and services of The American Legion Family in Kansas. The tournament is open to the public. For more information, call Gaylord Sanneman at 620-290-3482 or Lonny Cook at 785-286-2134.