Update: The child has been Found Safe Amber Alert Issued for Child taken from the Hospital

UPDATE: The child has been found safe! We thank you all for your concern and hold the safety of our community as our main priority.

CLARIFICATION: The child mentioned in the recent Amber Alert was NOT taken from Southwest Medical Center. This child is believed to have been taken from a residence.


At 7:00 pm, on 3-20-2024, Luna Amaro was taken from the Liberal, Seward County Hospital. The suspect, Luis, left in an unknown direction but is believed to still be in the Liberal, Seward County, Kansas Area with Luna.

Call 911 immediately if you have seen the missing child or suspect. If you have other information on the missing child, call 911 or 1-800-KS-CRIME.

Please call 911 or the KBI at 1-800-KS-CRIME.
Please visit http://www.ksamber.org for more information