Adventure Bay Waterpark Sees Huge Numbers

With the first full week under itź??s belt, Adventure Bay Family Waterpark has seen patrons coming in by the droves. Attendance for the first full week of operation is 7235, with Sunday, day 8, seeing 1515 for a total of 8750. The average daily use is 1093.75. On Sunday it was reported to city staff, that of all the cars in the parking area in and around the pool, 38% were from neighboring counties and states. With the first week of operations already completed, city and waterpark administrators are exploring the possibility of keeping the facility open later into the evening. Extended hours could come as early as a couple of weeks. Right now Adventure Bay Family Waterpark is open Monday through Saturday from noon to 6:00pm, and 1:00pm to 7:00pm Sundays. Admission price is $3.00 for children under 16, and $4.00 for adults. Children under 10 must be accompanied by a paid adult.