Adrienne Rosel Bulinski, Miss Kansas 2005, is scheduled to deliver several entertaining, uplifting, and motivating message to the students of Eisenhower Middle School and Tyrone High School on Thursday, January 18 and then at Seymour Rogers Middle School on Friday. Bulinski is an award winning motivational speaker, author, and entertainer originally from Liberal, KS.
“My mission as a speaker is to motivate students to believe in themselves and their self-worth, to believe in their passions and their goals, and to believe in their capabilities of reaching many great achievements in their lifetime,” Bulinski commented. “As you know, our youth are struggling with many internal battles and fluctuations in their self-esteem. I’m here to bring hope and inspiration, with some entertainment mixed in.”
Bulinski’s message “Perseverance with Grit” is delivered as much of a performance as an educational opportunity. Her programs are designed to help audiences realize their potential and then turn that potential into a reality. Bulinski challenges audiences to think… to really think, and to think big. “Another import part of what I do: help audiences understand failure is part of success. Without failure, we cannot truly know success,” Bulinski said.
Bulinski’s stories are influenced by a vast array of experiences including time wearing the Miss Kansas crown, performing with the USO Show Troupe, New York City auditions and rejections, re-learning how to walk at the age of twenty-four and the list goes on.
Originally from Liberal, Bulinski is a nationally recognized motivational speaker, entertainer, and author of Blood Sweat & Tiaras. For more about Bulinski please visit
Thursday, 1/18/18 @ 8 a.m.: Eisenhower Middle School
Thursday, 1/18/18 @10:30 a.m.: Tyrone High School (Tyrone, OK)
Friday, 1/19/18 @ 8 a.m.: Seymour Rogers Middle School