SCCC/ATS Trustees Meet

The Seward County Community College/Area Technical School Board of Trustees

met on Monday, July 19 for the annual organizational meeting and to

authorize publication of the FY2011 budget.

The Board authorized publication of the FY2011 budget of $15,313,316. The

budget includes a recommended increase in local tax mil levy of 0.527. This

will be a similar mill levy increase from 2009 but is only the second time

since 2004 that the mill levy has increased. Due to reduced county assessed

valuation the college will realize a decrease in county tax levied by

approximately $1,040,000 and a reduction in state aid of approximately

$50,000. The public hearing on the budget will be held on

Monday, August 2.

New employees Kylee Harrison, admissions coordinator, and Jay Cyriac,

assistant men??s basketball coach were introduced and shared their activities

regarding recruiting and preparation for fall semester. The Board approved

the personnel report indicating the employment of Veda King as director of

nursing/division chair of allied health, and accepted the resignation of

Alana Rowland, assistant volleyball coach.

The Board elected Dr. Steve Cauble as chair of the Board for FY2011 and Ron

Oliver as vice chair. Board clerk is Dr. Duane Dunn and college treasurer

and vice treasurer are Tina Call and Mike Brond, respectively. The Board

entered into an agreement with Kerry McQueen to serve as Board counsel and

designated the High Plains Daily Leader as the legal publication for the


The Board adopted the institutional goals, which address the strategic

planning objectives including Employee Development, Creating Awareness of

the College; Addressing Diversity; Addressing Student Learning; Addressing

Technology; and Addressing Workforce Development. The Board designated the

architectural firms of Bartlett & West and

Architecture One of Topeka to develop a master land use and facility plan.

The development of the master plan has been a component of the college??s

strategic plan and, with the merger of the area technical school in 2009, it

has become a priority to address the capacity and technological needs of the

college. The Board approved the construction of a storage building for the Shank

Humanities building in the amount of $42,600 through Mid-Plains Construction

of Plains, Kansas. The storage building will provide necessary space for

the theater and other fine arts departments.

Rainbow Players will hold its production of ??Bye Bye Birdie?? at the Showcase

Theater on the SCCC/ATS campus Thursday, Friday, and Saturday July 22, 23,

and 24.

The next Board meeting will be at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Aug. 2.

Dunn announced the first Saints Baseball alumni game will be Sept. 4 and

will include a home-run derby and alumni game as well as a dinner and

auction as a means of developing an alumni base with baseball players.