USD 480 and LNEA at Impasse

Negotiators from both the USD 480 school district and the LNEA met on Thursday at Central Office for one last attempt to work out a contract agreement.

The attempt was unsuccessful and after 90 minutes it was determined that both parties were at impasse. Both will file a joint request for impasse.

The district has been willing to fund a step increase in pay and fund a larger portion of health insurance in exchange for five to six extra contract days from the teachers. This idea though has been met with strong resistance from the LNEA who don’t feel the extra days are necessary and would like a larger part of their health insurance covered due to the large increase in premiums.

What impasse means is the federal government will now send a mediator to try to help solve the differences and work out a negotiating agreement. If nothing can be worked out the district will eventually have the option to offer a uni-lateral contract.