City Commission Approves Water Rate Changes

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and approved the Comprehensive Insurance Renewal with Iron Insurance Partners who have taken over Al Shank Insurance.

The Commission Commission approved the $10 Flat Fee for the Wastewater Fund effective April 1, 2025. This will assist in the revenue needs of the Wastewater Plant. This fee will be assessed across both residential and commercial accounts. The Commissioners then adopted Resolution 2430 amending Section C-1509 of the Fee Structure for the City of Liberal. Also approved was the discontinuance of the Water System Improvement Fee for both residential and non-residential customers effective April 1, 2025. This was adopted through Resolution 2431.

The Commission tabled the waiver of the $10 Wastewater System Improvement Fee for seniors until next meeting.

For the IT Department the Commission awarded the City of Liberal 2025 Sonicwall Licensing
purchase to CDWG in the amount of $28,475.33.

For the Fire Department the Commission approved the Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Kansas and the Liberal Fire Department and approved the amount of the training to not exceed $12,000.

Levi Williams was appointed by the Commission to a four-year term as a restaurant representative to the The Convention and Visitors Bureau Advisory Board beginning in March 2025 and expiring in March 2029.

The Commissioners gave approval of the KPERS Supplemental Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement for KPERS 401(a) and also adopted a Development Plan for the Larry and Hickory Streets Rural Housing Incentive District.