Did you know that a small amount of monthly change could make a lifesaving difference? By simply rounding up your monthly bill, you can help support vital community initiatives like the Baker Fire Department’s recent purchase of new Jaws of Life equipment. The pennies you donate each month to Operation Round Up (ORU) might one day save your life or the life of a loved one.
As 2024 draws to a close, the final quarterly meeting for ORU is approaching. This is your chance to make the last quarter of the year the most impactful yet. Members can make a one-time donation even if they are not currently enrolled in ORU. As a 501(c)(3) organization, ORU offers an opportunity for a tax deduction, making it a win-win for donors and the community.
Since its inception, Operation Round Up has awarded an impressive $295,840.69 to over 150 local projects. During the third quarter of 2024 alone, ORU granted $19,100 to 11 local programs, providing essential funding for a variety of needs.
Artist Incubation: $1,200 for supplies.
Baker Fire Department: $3,500 for new Jaws of Life equipment.
Beaver County Memorial Hospital: $2,000 for a blanket warming cabinet.
Beaver Public School: $1,000 for classroom supplies.
Cimarron County EMS: $700 for a new computer.
Cimarron County Food Pantry: $1,100 for new freezers and furniture.
Ervin & Kathy Brune: $1,000 for donated Christmas meals.
Goodwell Fire Department: $1,600 for new tires and a bumper.
Hooker Medical Clinic: $4,500 for a SANE Program Colposcope.
Scout Troop 163: $1,500 for equipment replacement.
True Blue OHCE: $1,000 for Fall Break backpack supplies.
These contributions not only support crucial services but also strengthen the heart of our communities. Imagine the impact we can achieve as we head into the final quarter of 2024. Every penny counts, and your generosity could be the key to funding life-saving equipment, educational supplies, or community resources.
Join us in making a difference this December. Round up your bill and/or make a one-time donation; your support matters. Let’s make this quarter the greatest one yet and continue to build a safer, stronger community for all.
If you would like to make a one-time donation to Operation Round Up instead of or in addition to rounding up your electric bill, make a check payable to the ‘TCEC Foundation’ with Operation Round Up in the memo line and mail it to TCEC, PO Box 880, Hooker, OK 73945. Alternatively, you can use the Operation Round Up page in SmartHub to change your contribution options. To learn more, contact TCEC at [email protected] or 580-652-2418.