Ginny Anderson representing the Needles & Friend Quilt Guild
contacted the Liberal Fire Department several months ago to let them know that she was proposing a fund
raiser to support the “Fire Pup” program to her quilt group. She proposed a
quilt project with the theme “Fire & Ice” with all proceeds to be donated to
provide printed fire safety materials (books, color sheets, pamphlets, etc.)
to support the Liberal Fire Department’s Fire Safety programs and
initiatives. The quilts are now finished and will be on display at First
National Bank’s main lobby at 1700 N. Lincoln from April 9th through 27th.
The public is encouraged to visit the display and view the quilts, where
they will have the opportunity to vote for their favorites. Already $600
has been donated to the program, according to the National Fire Safety
Council who administers the “Fire Pup” program this provides enough
materials for 200 children.
Liberal Fire Chief Kelly Kirk would like to express his appreciation and the appreciation of the entire
department to Mrs. Anderson and the members of the Needles & Friends Quilt
Guild for their hard work and support of our educational programs. Kirk hopes
that the public will take the opportunity to visit the display and view the
quilts constructed over the past few months.