USD 480 Board Meets Approves HVAC Improvements

The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening at the East Campus and approved the proposed 2023-24 negotiated agreement pending education budget approval by the governor.

The Board also set July 11, 2023 (Tuesday) as the organizational meeting for 23-24 school year. Also approved was the purchase of Mobile PA units and tripod systems for all schools in the District and accepted the bid from Dean E. Norris in the amount of $2,743,567.00 for an HVAC system improvement throughout the District.

At the meeting the Board accepted the bid from Gravity Gaming/ByteSpeed for 30 Esport PCs and Desks/Chairs in the amount of $93,600.00 and approved to renew annual software and service licenses in the amount of $151,269.91

The Board also approved the USD 480 Professional Development Plan, and approved the Worker’s Compensation Insurance renewal through KASB in the amount of $321,081.