USD 480 Board Approves Chromebook Purchase

Liberal USD 480 Board of Education met on Monday evening and after approving the Consent agenda which included surplus textbooks, a donation to fund a Reality U. at Eisenhower Middle School, and Employment/Retirement/Resignations/Transfers which included the retirement of Jerry Clay Director of Business Services, the Board approved purchasing FastBridge in the amount of $22,700.

KSDE requires that all students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade be screened 3 times a year with a reliable reading screener, per the Every Child Can Read Act. FastBridge will be used to screen students in grades 6-12, 3 times a year.

The Board also approved the Teaching Tuition Payment Agreement and approved the presented instructional curriculum and professional learning.

Approved at the meeting was a speech-language pathology assistant position that may be used to fill a vacant speech-language pathologist position and the Board heard the First reading of board policy updates for CEC, DB, DC, EDAA, and GAAD.

The board discussed the possibility of summer hours for 2023.

Chromebooks were purchased from ArchAngel Tablets in the amount of $737,005.44 for 1824 Chromebooks, to be distributed as follows, Cottonwood – 615, MacArthur – 497, 8th Grade – 380, 11th Grade – 332.