The Seward County Democratic Party is hosting a fund-raising brunch for
First Congressional District Candidate Alan Jilka from 10:30 a.m. to noon on
Saturday, March 20, at the Masonic Lodge, 16 E. 4th St., in Liberal. “While
we are not selling tickets, we hope people realize that Alan needs their
financial support to mount a successful campaign for the First District seat
in Congress. Alan is the only Democrat running and we want our local
Democrats and any interested voters to have the opportunity to meet him and
find ways to support his candidacy,” said Toby Hale, chair of the local
Democratic Party.
A home-made brunch will be provided by local Democrat volunteers and Jilka
is planning to give a short presentation and then meet with the voters.
Jilka is a small business man and three-time mayor of Salina, KS. RSVPs for
the luncheon may be sent to [email protected] or call 634-6504.