On January 5th, 2023 at 12:04 pm, the Haskell County Sheriff’s Office learned of a potential threat made on the USD 374 School District. An ongoing investigation in cooperation with the district was conducted and as result of that investigation an arrest was made. With the assistance of the Finney County Sheriff’s Office, Raquel Castaneda of Sublette, was arrested and charged with felony aggravated criminal threat.
School was cancelled on Friday, but reopened on Monday. In a statement issued by the school district, it was stated, “We have been informed by Haskell County Sheriff that there is no longer a threat to our schools, students, faculty, or staff. Please be assured the safety and welfare of our students and staff are foremost in handling situations. As your Superintendent, I am completely confident the situation has been resolved and school attendance is safe.”
Rex Richardson, USD# 374
All suspects are to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.