Garden City Hands Saints a 4th Straight Loss

Brock Kappelmann - December 8, 2022 7:19 am

Seward’s losing streak reached four in an 87-71 loss at the hands of the Garden City Broncbusters Wednesday night in the Green House.  The Busters held the Saints at arm’s length most of the night while holding the Saints to 34 percent shooting.

The Saints actually jumped out to a 7-0 lead before GCCC ripped off a 12-0 run to lead 12-7.  The Broncbusters would take a 39-24 lead before leading 42-33 at the half.  Seward shot just 31 percent in the second half as Seward took leads of 63-45 with 11:16 to play, 67-47 with 8:28 remaining, and 82-58 gave the Busters a lead of 24 which was their biggest.

The Saints defense faltered again allowing the Busters to shoot 46 percent and GCCC out rebounded SCCC 51-33.  Seward was 11-22 at the foul line and 12-31 for 39 percent from three point range.  Garden was 21-28 at the foul line and 6-17 from three.

Jaylin Henderson had 23 points and Wilson Dubinsky added 15.

Seward is 5-5 overall and 2-5 in the Jayhawk.  Garden City is 8-3 overall and 3-3 in the KJCCC.  Garden wins their third straight against SCCC.  Seward plays at Cowley Saturday at about 3pm on B107.5.

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