The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and adopted Ordinance 4586 Which will grant a special use permit for the opening of a daycare located at 930 N Kansas. The owner has preliminary plan approval from the Kansas State Fire Marshal and has developed a traffic plan. The Special Use was approved by the Liberal Metropolitan Area Board of Zoning Appeals on October 19th.
Commissioners addressed golf cart use on city streets and also looked at making it unlawful for any person to sell, serve, dispense, drink or consume any cereal malt beverage or alcoholic liquor upon any street, public thoroughfare, or upon property owned by the state or any governmental subdivision or in any public place not licensed to sell cereal malt beverages and/or alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises within or under the jurisdiction of the city. There are certain exemptions listed in the Ordinance.
The City Commission approved Resolution 2387 which introduces a proposed Development Plan for a Rural Housing Incentive District located in Holly Ridge 4th Addition, Navajo Road, and adopted Resolution No. 2389 which names Rusty Varnado, City Manager; Chris Ford, Assistant City Manager of Administration; Alicia Hidalgo, City Clerk; and Scarlette Diseker, Director of Accounting as authorized signors on the Municipal Investment Pool accounts for the purposes of transferring funds for investment, withdrawing funds from time to time, issuing letters of instruction, and taking all other actions deemed necessary or appropriate for the investment of idle City funds.
The Commissioners authorized the Liberal Fire Department to purchase the 1992 Spartan 3D Fire Engine from the Seward County Fire Department in the amount of $20,000 with the funds to come from the Special Fire line item and selected Consultant H. W. Lochner for the next 5 projects that are in the AIP for the Mid America Regional Airport. The 5 projects are as follows:
Lighting/ Airport Beacon for the main runway
Parallel taxiway for the crosswind runway
Rehab of both runways.
For the Recreation Center, the Commission accepted the Browns Furniture carpet bid, in the amount of $64,325.63, to be funded from the Recreation Center Project. The Commission removed from the agenda the Hood Suppression System for Recreation Center.
At Tuesday night’s meeting, the Commission accepted the KDOT Access, Innovation, and Collaboration (AIC) Grant Award n the amount of $172,800 with matching funds of $43,200. The grant was awarded for Transit Program Signage to replace bus stop signs throughout the City.