USD 480 Approves Additional iReady Licenses Due to Enrollment Increase

The USD 480 Board of Education met Monday evening and heard the first reading of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) policy if UAVs are to be used for outdoor events. Bard Attorney Rick Yoxall has reviewed the policy and made revisions.

At the request of Liberal High School, the Board updated the student handbook to reflect the start time to 7:55 am from 8:00 am which is currently listed in the handbook, and approved the Titan Software renewal in the amount of $17,910.00. Titan is the software that the Nutrition services department uses to track student and staff accounts, process meal applications, create menus, track nutritional information on meals served, process and track inventory, and generate required reports for meal reimbursements.

The Board approved the services from Jimmy Casas for training work with LHS in the amount of $12,500.00.

Due to the increase in student enrollment at the K-5 buildings, the Board approved the purchase of additional iReady licenses/materials to accommodate the increase. This order is for 6 years to align with the original iReady order that went into effect this school year. The cost to add the additional student materials is $28,428 and will be funded with ESSER III.

Also approved at Monday’s meeting was the quote from Convergint Technologies in the amount of $17,983.93. This is to purchase 30 additional Salto wireless door locks. The additional locks will be installed in LHS on restroom doors, as well as replenish the district’s spare stock.