Liberal High School May Also Face Restructuring

The USD 480 Board of Education was informed Monday night at their meeting about four possible steps that they will likely have to take to restructure South Middle School due to low AYP test scores. Due to some new changes the last few weeks by the government Liberal High School may also find themselves having to restructure. If LHS has to restructure they will have to choose one of the same following steps that South will have to take.

The first option would be the Turnaround Model which would include replacing the principal, screening all existing staff and rehiring no more than 50 percent back.

The second option would be the Transformational Model which would include replacing the principal who led the school prior to commencement of the Transformation Model, and using rigorous, transparent, and equitable evaluation systems for teachers and principals that takes into account data and student growth as a significant factor as well as other factors.

The third option would be the Restart Model which would convert the school or close it and reopen it under a charter school operator.

The fourth option would be the School Closure Model which would completely close the school and students would have to attend another school.

USD 480 will have to wait and see if the state is going to enforce these choices, and if so they will have to make a decision on which model to choose. Curriculum and Staff Development Director Lana Evans has been and will continue to be in close communication with the state to find out more information.