Seward County Commission Meets, Approves Purchases

The Seward County Commission met Monday evening and approved the bid from M Builders for $19,650.00. as the Administration Building has water infiltration problems and contributing factors to this problem are the deteriorated sealant in the expansion control joints in the brick along with missing and cracked mortar joints in the cultured stone brick bands. Resealing the expansion joints and reworking the mortar joints will help correct the water infiltration issues.

Commissioners approved Heifer Source to construct a 310’x120’ Commodity Shed structure in an existing Conditional Use. The location is 14826 Road 4.

The Commissioners authorized $1,900 to assist in the repairs of the 15th Street Health department Parking lot and approved spending of $209,170.00 for repairs to a road grader for the Road and Bridge Department. Also for the Road and Bridge Department, the Commission approved spending up to $85,000 to purchase a used tractor, and to allow the Road and Bridge to go out for bids for 2 mowers.

The Commission also approved participating in the KDOT Local Road Safety Plan at a County match of $5,265.00