LIBERAL, Kan. —Seward County Community College has announced the resignation of Greg Gunderson as president, effective Friday, February 11.

Gunderson is leaving due to a family emergency that requires his full and undivided attention.

“In order to meet the needs of my family to be in Omaha, Nebraska I will be resigning as President of Seward Community College effective February 11, 2022,” Gunderson said. “I wish all of you the very best. I have found Seward County and Liberal Kansas to be a wonderful place with the kindest of people. I know all of you are as proud of Seward County Community College as a critical hub around which students transform their lives, innovation driving economic development occurs, and faculty and staff live daily our mission as I am.

“I want to thank our Board of Trustees for their support, and I have committed to them I will help in any way during the transition to our next President.”