Seward County Commission Meets, Approves Facility Fee Waivers

The Seward County Commission met Monday evening and approved to renew the agreement with Watchfire, which is the provider of the data plan for the LED sign on Western Ave. The cost is $520.00 per sign for 60 months save $480.00.

The commissioners approved trading the Noxious Weed departments 2012 truck in now, while it has some trade in value, with Foss Ford. Foss had the best allowance for trade-in at $8,200.00 and a fleet discount of $4,500.00, making the cost of the new truck for the Weed Department $46,545.00.

The Road and Bridge Department’s request for a new 3/4 ton 4×4 pick up was approved by the Commission with Foss Ford having the low bid of $35,310.00.

The Board  agreed with the deferment of the developer’s agreement of the Prairie Acres Subdivision in order to allow the plat to be recorded and to move the project along.

On the Zoning appeal the Commissioners approved to uphold the Zoning Administrators decision and waiving the regulations to allow for the construction of an accessory structure exceeding the alloted square footage in a residential zoning district.

On the matter of the opioid settlement, the Commission instructed its attorney, Tim West, to sign the settlement participation forms for the Distributor Settlement and the Johnson and Johnson Settlement on behalf of Seward County.

Commissioners selected Commissioner Wettstein as the Delegate, Ada Lininbroker as the 1st Alternate, and Randy Malin as the 2nd Alternate for a Special Election of the Kansas Association of Counties on January 5, 2022.

Facility fee waivers were approved for Genesis Family Health to distribute food commodities and That Liberal Band for their annual Fish Fry.