The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and approved the rezone of 1020 N. Grant Street from from R-2 to R-3. The Commission however denied the request to rezone 624 N. Grant from R-3 to C-2. This property is the former Education Service Center.
The City Commission voted to move forward in the process of adding to the November ballot the question of an additional one cent sales tax. If approved by the voters, the funds would be used for General Budgetary purposes.
Commissioners approved to allow the Liberal Fire Department to apply for permission to join Task Force 6 through the Kansas State Fire Marshall’s Office.
For the Water Department, the Commission approved the purchase of a 1 ton pick up from Foss Ford of Liberal in the amount of $34,820.00.
Vice-Mayor Martinez and Commissioners Linenbroker and Warren were appointed Voting Delegates to the Annual League of Kansas Municipalities Conference.
Commissioners approved the submittal of a grant to aid in the construction of housing
Discussion was also held on the Grier House. A citizens committee headed by Lidia Gray and Julie Parsons brought before the Commission ideas to work with the City to keep the Grier House with the city, apply for grants and raise funds to fix problems with the building, and to assist the City with finding a tenant or tenants to occupy the building. The Commission liked the idea, and would being willing to work with the individuals.