Liberal Police July Accident Reduction Effort

In 2021, the city of Liberal has experienced an increase in traffic collisions. Many of these collisions have occurred from inattentive drivers, following too close and speeding. No matter the reason, traffic collisions cost drivers thousands of dollars in rising insurance costs, medical bills, and many times, legal action. All of which could be avoided.

The Liberal Police Department made July 2021 a priority to reduce these collisions. The department placed two officers on traffic enforcement and activated the radar speed trailer in hot spots. The accidents were reduced significantly with these efforts.

In July, Non-Injury Accidents, which are by far what make up accident totals, went down to 17 from 26 in June, 25 in May, and as high as 37 in February.

These efforts are a deterrent for drivers, and the public is being asked to be proactive as well.

  1. Minimize distractions.
  2. Maintain a safe following distance.
  3. Be aware of blind spots and surroundings.
  4. Slow down at intersections, construction and school zones.