USD 480 Meets Approves Insurance

The USD 480 Board of EducationĀ  met Monday evening at 6:30pm at the LHS East Annex Room C107. Among the items on the agenda the Board setĀ  July 12, 2021 as the date of the organizational meeting for Fiscal 21-22.

The Board also approved the quote from KERMP for Property & Liability Insurance in the amount of $427,480 and from KASB in the amount of $195,220 for Work Comp InsuranceĀ  for the District. This reflects a savings of $296,120.00 over the current year.

USD 480 solicited bids to remove and replace two concrete walkways on the North side of Liberal High School. The bid from Abbott Construction in the amount of $69,659.88 was the low bid, but needed 4 votes to pass. The final vote was 3-1 as Cliff Abbott abstained.

The Board also reviewed Policies and approved Software and Services renewals.