Supreme Court reappoints three members to Kansas Commission on Judicial Conduct

TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court reappointed three members to the Kansas Commission on Judicial Conduct.


Reappointed were:

  • Chief Judge Bradley Ambrosier, Elkhart, who serves in the 26th Judicial District, composed of Grant, Haskell, Morton, Seward, Stanton, and Stevens counties;
  • Terrence Campbell, Lawrence, lawyer at Barber Emerson; and
  • Susan Lynn, Iola, nonlawyer and editor and publisher of the Iola Register.

They will serve four-year terms beginning July 1 and ending June 30, 2025.


The 14-member commission is charged with helping the Supreme Court exercise its responsibility in judicial disciplinary matters. It reviews complaints to determine whether a judge has violated the code of judicial conduct the Supreme Court adopted to define the standard of ethical behavior of all judges.


The commission includes six active or retired judges, four lawyers, and four nonlawyers. All members are appointed by the Supreme Court for four-year terms.