Seward County Commission Approves Pick Up Purchases

The Seward County Commission met Monday evening and approved building renovations to the Administration Building to alleviate water infiltration and leakage problems.

Commissioners also approved the FY22 Comprehensive Plan narrative and budget documentation to be submitted to the Kansas Department of Corrections.

Tthe Road & Bridge was given approal to replace an older pickup used by the mechanic. They will be trading in a 2005 Ford. Lewis Chevrolet has submitted a bid in the amount of $33,000.00 which includes the trade-in amount of $1,500.00. Along those same lines, the Road & Bridge Dept. will also be  replacing an older model pickup in its fleet. Foss Motor Co. was the low bidder in the amount of $27,990.00, which includes the trade-in difference. Plus the added price to have the old bed moved to the new pickup.

County Commissioners  reviewed and approved a COVID-19 Vaccination License Agreement with Wal-Mart to set up Vaccination POD for the community.

The Commission approved the sale of the old Health Department parking lot. The Commission accepted the bid from Jeff and Jacki Mitchell of Southwest Glass & Door, Inc. for the parking lot located at 107 W. 2nd St., Liberal, Kansas in the amount of $7,500 and will allow staff to complete the process for sale of property.

The County Commission approved applicant Ricardo Ramirez to be recommended to the Southwest Guidance Center Board for appointment. Final appointment will be done by the SWGC Board as Seward County can only recommend applicants to this Board.