A free shelter site is available for individuals who:

  • have tested positive for COVID-19 and cannot isolate or quarantine in their homes; 
  • have been exposed to someone who has tested positive; and 
  • live and work in at-risk congregate settings.


Examples of people who may use this service:

  • Healthcare workers, emergency/first responders and public safety officials who are unable to quarantine or isolate at home.
  • Community members who are homeless.
  • Members of treatment programs living in a group setting.
  • People otherwise currently working in, exposed to, or living in congregate settings.


This shelter provides:

  • free housing;
  • three meals a day and snacks;
  • free laundry;
  • cleaning service to provide you a safe shelter to avoid exposing your household to the COVID-19 virus and to help stop the spread of the virus.

For more information call or text 620-629-5410 or 620-655-8570. To request this service contact your local Health Department os call 620-626-3369.