Seward County COVID-19 Briefs


Local COVID-19 Testing Numbers

COVID-19 numbers remain low through the month of February, a trend that began with the new year. This success can be attributed to the vigilance of the community and the efforts by everyone to keep each other safe and healthy. We need to continue this trend as more people receive vaccinations. Our numbers are low, but positive cases are still being sampled every day, and hospitalizations for this disease are still occurring. 

Seward County Vaccination PODs (Points of Distribution)

Since December, Seward County has been following the state’s Vaccination Plan. Most of these vaccinations have been by appointment and based on the phases set by KDHE. More recently, the Seward County Health Department has been providing vaccinations in PODs. These PODs are meant to distribute the vaccine to large numbers of local residents; for example, county and city government or USD 480 staff. On February 24, 600 vaccinations were administered to fourteen local industries as well as residents who qualify according to age and/or underlying conditions. The Health Department will continue to offer these vaccinations as it performs its traditional services for the community. 

Vaccination Appointments

Local residents who wish to be vaccinated are encouraged to visit and complete the application. These names are retrieved every day, and contact is made to set an appointment when the applicant matches the state’s phase. If you requested an appointment, please be sure to answer your phone, even if the number is unknown. We understand that robo-calls are common and annoying; however, Health Department staff and vaccination schedulers are struggling to make contact with a number of individuals who completed the form. Once a vaccine vial is opened, all ten doses must be used within a period of hours, so it is critical that people answer their phones. 

COVID-19 Testing Options

The Seward County Health Department continues to offer free COVID-19 testing at the Ag Building every day. Additionally, several other clinics and pharmacies in town are equipped to test as well. Please remember the value of being tested, especially if you are experiencing symptoms. The information from these tests—both for the individual and the medical community—is critical to our ability to react and respond to the virus here.