Seward County Commission Approves BCBS Insurance

The Seward County Commission met Monday evening at 5:30pm and Proclaimed February as Black History Month in Seward County.

The Noxious Weed Plan for 2021 and the Noxious Weed Report from 2020 was  approved by the Commission.

Commissioners approved the encumbering of funds for new flooring for District Court and Court Services, and approved CRF Funds for Household Emergency Relief Program with a total recommended for payment: $1,865.99.

The County Commission approved the emergency flood irrigation of National Beef Wastewater to County property north of Tucker Road with National providing status updates during the next few months.

Commissioners approved to allow Seward County Waste Management Services to enter into contract with Town of Optima for waste hauling and disposal.

The Commission also approved the renewal contract with BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas and will look into a different prescription plan with Trial.

The waiver request was approved to allow for the replacement of a single-wide residentially designed manufactured home on a nonconforming lot in the unincorporated area of Seward County providing systems and specs can be met, and the Commission agreed to move forward on roofing projects, specifically for the Administration and Court House buildings.  Commissioners also approved the lease agreement with the City of Liberal for the Seward County Event Center.

Access to County Facilities was discussed at the meeting with decisions to be made at the March 1st meeting.