The USD 480 Board of Education will meet Monday evening with another bid on the 624 N. Grant Street before them.
Up for consideration is Custom Construction LLC offer of $150,000 and closing date of May 31, 2021 for 624 N Grant.
The Flex Mod schedule will be on the agenda for LHS and based on community and USD 480 COVID data, the Seward County EOC, USD 480 nursing staff, district administration, and LHS administration have recommended a return to a full flex-mod schedule on March 1, 2021.
Streaming of the Board of Education meetings will be on the agenda and if approved the Board of Education would need to determine what location all board meetings will be held in the future so administration can provide the proper equipment and setup for a board meeting to be streamed in a effective manner. USD 480 would need the following equipment: Cameras, microphones, and Streaming Equipment.
The bids closed at Noon on Friday the 19th for the Board to look at purchasing 1416 Chromebooks for the District, and the Board will also look at renewing Unified Talent (Talent Ed) for the amount of $13,983.20 to align it with the other PowerSchool renewals.
The Board of Education authorized to refinance the bonds on January 25, 21. The interest rate is an average of 1.67% which resulted in a savings of $5,779,808.49 Due to the increase in rate the savings was less than anticipated of $6,312,326. The Board will have to adopt a Resolution to approve this change.