Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves Pick Up Purchases

The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening and entered into a Grazing Lease agreement with Max and Clay Louderback for Grazing rights at Arkalon Park for $20 per cow/calf pair.

Regarding the wearing of masks in public , the City Commission voted to Continue with the Mask Mandate for another 45 days, but could rescind the Ordinance sooner.

The City Commissioners approved City Grant Writer Karen LaFreniere to apply for a $500,000 Adult Drug Court Grant with  25% matching funds from the City which would come from the Special Alcohol Tax for a 3 year period.

Also the Commission denied the submission of a CDBG-CV request from M Builders.

Commissioners approved replacing 2nd Street from Kansas Ave to Western Ave in one Phase for a total cost of the project at $4,154,177.63. By doing it in one phase will save the City over 1 million dollars.

The Liberal Recreation Department was given approval to take over the SWAT (Southwest Aquatics Team) program, accept the donation of equipment and $4,800 from the Mcray Pool Association,  and to replace 2 filtration tanks in the lap pool at Adventure Bay Family Waterpark in the amount of $31,756.00.

The Water department was given the go ahead to purchase a 1 ton and a 1/2 ton pick up from Chrysler Corner for $29,715 and $20,446 respectively.

The Fire Department was also given permission to purchase an inflatable Fire House for School Fire Safety training. The old wood structure was trailer mounted and not ADA compliant. the cost of $9,100.00 to come from the gifts and donations.