The Seward County Commission met on Monday evening October the 5th, and after a 4H Week Proclamation, asked the Extension Office to provide more information to the Commission regarding the installation of acoustic paneling in the 4-H building.
Commissioners also approved a change order for the installation of tempered safety glass in MCH, WIC and 2nd floor Clinic for the Seward County Health Department Building Remodeling. Cost is $9,750 which will be a COVID expense.
Also approved was an agreement between Securus Technologies, LLC and Seward County, Kansas with final review and consent of Legal Counselor, Nathan Foreman. Cost is $37,900 to paid for through SPARKS CRF Funding. A WIC Contract for period of October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021 was also approved.
Commissioners also supported recommendations from the EOC and are as follows:
- Strongly encourage the use of masks by all citizens that are able to use them
- •Place limits on gatherings on public and private properties
- •Provide isolation and quarantine orders to every person that meets the criteria to receive them
- Provide best practice information to the public, and insist that all government agencies and entities adhere to the best practices
- •No gatherings to exceed 250persons at any location in Seward County. This applies to both indoor and outdoor events.Individuals are encouraged to wear cloth masks in public settings as appropriate.
Gatherings that exceed 90 persons would need to comply with all regulations/guidance
•Social distancing –Maintain 6 feet between non-household members, except for brief (less than 10 minute) encounters.
•Provide hand washing facilities / Ensure that Hand Sanitizer is easily accessible to all attendees.
•Encourage the use of masks by all attendees.
•Provide signage, announcements etc. that promote social distancing, hand washing and the use of masks.
•Encourage screening of all attendees
Seward County Commissioners also accepted $52,738.00 in grant funds from the Rural EOC Enhancement Grant that was submitted by Emergency Management on behalf of Seward County.
Commissioners approved f Task Order #2 with iParametrics in the amount of $265,552.00 payable through SPARKS funding for Consulting services. Also the Commission approved the hiring of Mary Beth Matkin for the SPARKS Outreach Coordinator position.
Commissioners voted to allow the Fire Chief to go out for bids for the addition to the 18th Street Fire Station project and to proceed with project. The money is to be paid from SPARKS CRF Funding as approved by the State.
The Commission also approved and adopted the ESG Policy and Procedures Manual as submitted and approved the Service Agreement to comply with KHRC requirements for Stepping Stone Shelter, and for Commissioner McCaffrey to sign the Service Agreement.
Kimalea Moore was appointed for the unexpired 3-year term to the Planning & Zoning Board with her term beginning immediately and expiring December 31, 2021.